CompCert Release 17.04

New features
* Full support for C11 anonymous compound types.
* Support for the attribute “noinline” to prevent functions from inlining.
* Checks for unused variables and parameters. 
  Support for the attribute “unused” to suppress the warning.

New options
* -w
   disables all warnings

* -fmax-errors
   limits the number of errors that are reported 
   before the compilation is aborted
* -f(no-)diagnostics-show-option
   controls whether the [-Woption] is printed in the 
   diagnostic message for mappable warnings/errors
* -fdiagnostics-format
   allows to switch between the three different 
   format versions “ccomp”, “vi” and “msvc”
* -g<level>
   replaces the old option -gdepth 

General improvements
* New warning for inline assembler in files compiled with -sdump.
* Support for question mark and asterisk wildcards under Windows.
* Implementation of the offsetof macro via a builtin function 
  that is evaluated to the offset at compile time.
* Improved handling of attributes, now distinguishing attributes 
  that apply to types from those that apply to names. 
* Improved precision for warnings related to function returns.
* New warning for unknown attributes.

Fixed wrong argument check for “dcbtls” and “ibctls”.

Other fixes and changes
* Fixed issue with non-working debug information 
  for compilation of multiple C files.
* Fixed wrong prefix for deactivating warnings.
* Fixed bug in generation of the DW_AT_comp_dir tag 
  for Windows paths that require quoting.
* Removed the compilation of .cm files written in Cminor concrete syntax.

Last modified on 10 April 2017 by Copyright 2017 AbsInt.
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