Избранные работы
- CompCert: Practical Experience on Integrating and Qualifying a Formally Verified Optimizing Compiler (PDF, 600kB)
by D. Kästner, J. Barrho, U. Wünsche, M. Schlickling, B. Schommer et al.,
in ERTS² 2018 — Embedded Real Time Software and Systems, January 2018, Toulouse, France. <hal-01643290>.
- Embedded Program Annotations for WCET Analysis.
B. Schommer, C. Cullmann, G. Gebhard, X. Leroy,
M. Schmidt, S. Wegener.
In WCET 2018, 8:1–8:13.
- Closing the Gap — The Formally Verified Optimizing Compiler CompCert.
D. Kästner, X. Leroy, S. Blazy, B. Schommer, M. Schmidt, C. Ferdinand.
In Proceedings of the 25th Safety-Critical System Symposium SSS 2017, February 2017, Bristol, UK.
- CompCert — A Formally Verified Optimizing Compiler (Best Paper Award).
X. Leroy, S. Blazy, D. Kästner, B. Schommer, M. Pister, C. Ferdinand.
In ERTS 2016: Embedded Real Time Software and Systems, 8th European Congress, January 2016, Toulouse, France.
- Impact of Resource Sharing on Performance and Performance Prediction: A Survey.
A. Abel, F. Benz, J. Doerfert, B. Dörr, S. Hahn, F. Haupenthal, M. Jacobs,
Amir H. Moin, J. Reineke, B. Schommer, R. Wilhelm.
In CONCUR 2013, pp. 25–43.
- State Space Exploration Techniques for Static Program Analysis.
Master Thesis, University of Saarland, 2015.