
Discontinuation notice: As of November 1st, 2014, TimingExplorer has been discontinued in favor of TimingProfiler. For further information, contact support@absint.com.

TimingExplorer offers a set of parameterizable ECU core models to explore the effects of different ECUs or different ECU configurations on the worst-case execution time performance. This allows designers to account for timing and timing effects in an early design phase and helps avoid late-stage integration problems.

TimingExplorer screenshot
TimingExplorer screenshot

The challenge

Choosing a suitable processor configuration at the beginning of the development is a challenge. A configuration that is too powerful can lead to a waste of expensive resources. A configuration not powerful enough might entail changes late in the development cycle and delay the delivery.

The solution

Your benefits

Supported targets

Processor Compiler
MPC 55xx, 56xx, 603e, 755s DiabData (WindRiver), C or Ada source code
GHS (Green Hills), C or Ada source code