Christian Hümbert

Christian Hümbert

Curriculum vitæ

Christian Hümbert, born in 1981, completed his master’s degree program in computer science and chemistry at the Saarland University in 2006. He investigated and developed parametric worst-case execution time analysis techniques. During his studies he was a member of the Honors Program at the Computer Science Department of the Saarland University.

His current work is focused on functional safety and the formal validation and verification of safety-critical software.

Christian joined AbsInt as a software engineer in 2006 and now holds the position of a Senior Technical Consultant. He also regularly represents us at tradeshows and other events all around the world.

Recent talks

  • Testing alone is not enough”
    New Eagle Innovation Summit, September 2024, Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, MI
  • Worst-case execution time determination for ARM Cortex”
    Joral Workshop for Engineers, November 2023, Phoenix, AZ

Selected publications

  • Satisfying Timing Requirements for Safety-Critical Real-Time Software. D. Kästner, C. Hümbert, G. Gebhard, M. Pister, S. Wegener, C. Ferdinand. Embedded World Congress 2024, Nuremberg.
  • Taming Timing — Combining Static Analysis with Non-Intrusive Tracing to Compute WCET Bounds on Multicore Processors. D. Kästner, C. Hümbert, G. Gebhard, M. Pister, S. Wegener, C. Ferdinand. Embedded World Congress 2021, Virtual Conference.
  • Mastering Resource Usage by Continuous Static Profiling. D. Kästner, G. Gebhard, C. Hümbert, C. Cullmann, C. Ferdinand. Embedded World Congress 2015, Nuremberg.
  • Parametric Timing Analysis for Complex Architectures. Sebastian Altmeyer, Christian Hümbert, Björn Lisper and Reinhard Wilhelm. 14th International IEEE Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), 2008.
  • Parametric WCET Analysis, Parameter Analysis and Parametric Loop Bound Analysis.
    Christian Hümbert. Master’s Thesis, Saarland University, 2006.
  • A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Predicate Logic.
    Christian Hümbert. Bachelor’s Thesis, Saarland University, 2005.