
In English

IEEE Computer Society
IT Professional, issue 22/3, May–June 2020
Determining reliable and precise execution time bounds of real-time software
Elektronik automotive, issue 3/2014
Safely Excluding Serious Errors

In German

special issue “Safety + Security” 2019, pp. 46–49
Auf den Spuren des Worst-Case
issue 02/2019, pp. 38–41
Von der Vision zur Wirklichkeit
Elektronik & Elektronik automotive
joint special issue on functional safety, 7/2015, page 22
Multicore-CPUs in sicherheitskritischen Echtzeitsystemen
Elektronik embedded
issue 10/2014, page 15
Echtzeitanalyse für softwaregesteuerte Systeme
Elektronik automotive
special issue “Safety + Security”, September 2018, page 12
Der perfekte Compiler