Astrée release 20.10

Astrée screenshot

RuleChecker now supports the SEI CERT C++ coding standard.

Astrée screenshot

The Astrée run-time error analysis can now be applied to C++ and mixed C/C++ code bases. The new astree-cxx analysis mode supports all modern C++ versions up to C++17 and many of the features known from the classic C code analysis.

Astrée’s C++ analysis uses the same technology as its C code analysis. It is designed to meet the characteristics of safety-critical embedded software, and is subject to the same restrictions as Astrée for C.

The high-level abstraction features and template library of C++ facilitate the design of very complex and dynamic software. A wide use of these features may violate the established principles of safety-critical embedded software development and lead to unsatisfactory Astrée analysis times and results. The Astrée manual gives recommendations on the use of C++ features to ensure that the code can be well analyzed. For less constrained (less critical) C++ code, we recommend using the standalone RuleChecker.

Astrée screenshot

Support for AUTOSAR projects has been expanded, and new rules and checks have been added. The Astrée ARXML reader has also been improved to support fully automatic integration analysis for OSEK/AUTOSAR projects.