Curriculum vitæ
Jörg Herter studied Computer Science and received his Ph.D. on predictable dynamic
memory allocation for hard real-time systems in 2014. He has been a research fellow
at Saarland University and the University of Applied Sciences in Saarbruecken.
His current work is focused on functional safety and the formal validation and verification
of safety-critical software.
Jörg Herter works as a Senior Technical Consultant for AbsInt, in addition
to teaching static program analysis, embedded systems technology, compiler construction,
and mathematics at the Saarland University of Applied Sciences and Cooperative Education.
He is also a lecturer at the University of Luxembourg and has been teaching
at the University of Saarland and the Technical University of Kaiserslautern.
Jörg Herter is also a frequent speaker at
tradeshows, conferences, workshops, and other events
all around the world.
Recent talks
“Sound signal-flow analysis to meet legislation requirements for exhaust-control systems”
VDA Automotive SYS Conference, July 2024, Berlin
“Satisfying real-time requirements on multi-core processors”
Airtec, October 2023, Augsburg
Selected publications
- Benchmarking Static Code Analyzers.
J. Herter, D. Kästner, C. Mallon, R. Wilhelm.
In SAFECOMP’17: Proceedings of the International Conference on
Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, Trento, 2017.
Springer LNCS, Heidelberg.
- Designing Test Suites for Benchmarking Static Code Analyzers.
J. Herter, C. Mallon, D. Kästner.
Embedded World Congress, Nuremberg, 2017.
- Timing-Predictable Memory Allocation in Hard Real-Time Systems.
J. Herter. PhD Thesis. Saarland University, 2014.
- PRADA: Predictable Allocations by Deferred Actions.
F. Haupenthal, J. Herter.
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution-Time Analysis (WCET 2013, ECRTS Satellite Workshop).
- CAMA: A Predictable Cache-Aware Memory Allocator.
J. Herter, P. Backes, F. Haupenthal, J. Reineke.
Proceedings of the 23rd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS ’11), Porto, Portugal, July 2011.